Thursday, February 26, 2009

Facial Exercises for a Youthful & Wrinkle-Free Face

We all know about the benefits of exercise, but do we exercise our facial muscles? It has always been interesting to see male & female siblings of similar age actual age. As the men age they start to look more mature and sexier and as the female ages more fine lines and wrinkles are starting to appear. Why? Men shave everyday! They stick their chin out; they move their face side to side, the upper lip moves down over the mouth. Try to imitate shaving it is amazing what muscles you are using. Here are some facial exercises. These are great for everyone at every age, start your kids with facial exercises it is a fun & beneficial. Exercise your facial muscles at least once a day.

  • Imitate shaving, this develops and strengthening the mouth, cheek and chin muscles).

  • Frown (frown as hard as possible) & surprise (open your mouth as wide as possible) this will strengthen the forehead and facial muscles.

Research shows an increase in skin elasticity with facial exercise with an increase of 35% in facial muscle strength. Facial exercises are a new approach in the recovery of Bell's Palsy.

It is natural, economical and it is good for your health.

With these exercises your skin needs to be hydrated, our recommendations (of course) are:
Elicina Cream - for normal to oily skin
Elicina PLUS with moisturizer - for dry skin
Elicina Aftershave Balm - for both men and women.

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