Saturday, February 28, 2009

Self Tanners: Are They Really Safe?

Before modern cosmetic technology introduced the ubiquitous self-tanner you had to spend hours lying in the sun to look good in that strapless yellow dress. Not to mention the damage you inflicted upon your skin in terms of aging and skin cancer risk. All of that changed when the new and improved self-tanner hit the shelves. No more QT orange tone! These tanners actually gave a realistic looking tan. But, have you ever stopped to wonder about the safety of applying self tanner products to your skin? Are self-tanners safe?

What is it that causes self-tanners products to give skin that bronze glow? The active ingredient in self-tanning products is a natural chemical, dihydroxyacetone, also known as DHA. This ingredient is derived from raw sugar cane and has been deemed to be relatively harmless, although there have been some reported allergic reactions. In some cases, dihydroxyacetone is combined with erythrulose, a carbohydrate that turns the skin a pleasing tan color. These simple ingredients work their magic by interacting with cells in the outer layer of the epidermis, known as the stratum corneum. When this interaction takes place, a color change occurs, resulting in the impressive tan color you see when you look in the mirror.

Because DHA and erythrulose only act on the outer layers of the skin, absorption into the body doesn’t occur to any significant degree which limits its toxicity. There is, however, the potential for a local allergic reaction. These are not common, but when they occur they manifest as red, itchy skin and irritation.

There is one area of concern when it comes to the issue of whether or not self-tanners are safe. A study showed that immediately after applying self-tanners, the skin is more susceptible to damage from the sun for the first twenty-four hours after application. For this reason, sun exposure should be avoided for a day after applying self-tanner products. Keep in mind that most self-tanner products contain no sunscreen so you have no ultraviolet light protection.

Although self-tanners appear to be safe in terms of their primary ingredients, read the bottle carefully before purchasing since many contain parabens and dyes which may be unhealthy. There are now organic self-tanners available which can be ordered from the internet. These may be difficult to find locally, although some health food stores and natural food markets carry them. Organic self-tanning products use soy extracts and essential oils in addition to DHA to turn the skin a golden brown.

Self-tanning products, if carefully selected to avoid added dyes, parabens, and other questionable chemicals, appear to be safe. When you consider the alternative of sun exposure, you can even argue that they provide the benefit of helping you reduce the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. Self-tanning products are a safer way to get the warm glow of summer without lying in the sun.

Article was written by Dr. Kristie

Friday, February 27, 2009

Makeup Solutions for Women with Acne

There are many women that would never dream of leaving the house without makeup. Wearing makeup helps many women to feel more confident and happy about their appearance. But some women have problems wearing makeup because of the problems they have with acne. When women that suffer from acne wear certain types of makeup, such as liquid makeup, it can cause their acne to become worse. Liquid makeup and cream based makeup can cause pores to be clogged. Clogged pores will eventually lead to more acne breakouts. Many women that have this problem will stopping wearing makeup or continue to use it despite the problems it causes. What these women don’t know is that there is makeup available for them to use that won’t affect their acne. Some of the makeup available on the market will even help to improve their acne-prone skin.

The best types of makeup for women with acne are oil-free foundations, mineral makeup, and noncomedogenic makeup. Oil-free foundations are much better for women with acne because it doesn’t irritate the skin or cause more damage like the foundations with oil.

Mineral makeup is another good choice because it contains natural ingredients that are not found in regular makeup. The natural ingredients in mineral makeup will not harm acne-prone skin and it could help to eliminate acne. Mineral makeup is also good for all skin types, especially oily skin, and it will not clog pores.

Noncomedogenic makeup is also a good choice for acne-prone skin because it does not contain ingredients that cause pores to be clogged.

If switching to oil-free foundations, mineral makeup, or noncomedogenic makeup isn’t helpful, you should consider switching brands until you are able to find one that is the best for your skin. Before applying make-up, moisturizing your skin is essential. With Elicina snail cream or Elicina PLUS with moisturizer this will help reduce and eliminate acne and help your skin retain its moisture. The best price on the internet is available at for Elicina cream (40g) is $24.99 and Elicina PLUS with moisturizer (for dry and sensitive skin) is $28.99. Free shipping worldwide but this is for a limited time only.

After the makeup has been chosen, the most important thing to remember is to make sure the sponges and brushes that are used to apply the makeup are clean. This is important because sponges and brushes can contain bacteria and they should be replaced often.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Facial Exercises for a Youthful & Wrinkle-Free Face

We all know about the benefits of exercise, but do we exercise our facial muscles? It has always been interesting to see male & female siblings of similar age actual age. As the men age they start to look more mature and sexier and as the female ages more fine lines and wrinkles are starting to appear. Why? Men shave everyday! They stick their chin out; they move their face side to side, the upper lip moves down over the mouth. Try to imitate shaving it is amazing what muscles you are using. Here are some facial exercises. These are great for everyone at every age, start your kids with facial exercises it is a fun & beneficial. Exercise your facial muscles at least once a day.

  • Imitate shaving, this develops and strengthening the mouth, cheek and chin muscles).

  • Frown (frown as hard as possible) & surprise (open your mouth as wide as possible) this will strengthen the forehead and facial muscles.

Research shows an increase in skin elasticity with facial exercise with an increase of 35% in facial muscle strength. Facial exercises are a new approach in the recovery of Bell's Palsy.

It is natural, economical and it is good for your health.

With these exercises your skin needs to be hydrated, our recommendations (of course) are:
Elicina Cream - for normal to oily skin
Elicina PLUS with moisturizer - for dry skin
Elicina Aftershave Balm - for both men and women.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to Hydrate your Skin

Hydrating the skin will help minimize the signs of aging. With all the pollutants and toxins in our environment hydrating the skin will help detox and refresh your skin to look natural and radiant.

Smoking, sun and excessive alcohol add years to your skin. Either cut down or quit smoking, where at least SPF 30 on your face, neck and exposed areas to the sun and wear a hat. Even in climates that are overcast the ultra-violet rays still penetrate so always wear protective sunscreen on the face. Moderate your alcohol consumption.

Drink plenty of liquids preferably water and minimize the caffeine drinks. Eat a well balanced meal of protein, vegetables & fruit (especially fruit high in antioxidants like blueberries).

Sleep, get plenty of good rest, 15 minute power naps are good because they also help extend your energy throughout the day. At night use a cold air humidifier throughout the night. This is wonderful for your skin, hair and lungs too. Add a drop of lavender oil to the water to help relax and get a peaceful sleep.

Clean your skin without soap but with a gentle cleanser, a cleansing foam is good. Use warm water not hot and pat dry your face do not rub with a towel. Exfoliating is great. Depending on where you live city verses the country and the type of skin you have oily verse dry, exfoliate at least 2-3 times a week is recommended. Coming soon on great natural home-made recipes for facial scrubs.

Moisturize your skin immediately after cleansing to retain the moisture & elasticity of the skin. Moisturize twice a day with Elicina cream for people with normal to oily skin and Elicina PLUS for dry skin. Elicina cream contains snail secretion which helps the skin remove the dead skin cells, regenerate new skin cells and soften and nourishes the skin.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars - Congratulations Penelope Cruz

Congratulations to Penelope Cruz for winning Best Supporting Actress as a disturbed wifey in Vicky Christina Barcelona,2933,498142,00.html

Penelope Cruz looked beautiful on the red carpet in an eleborate styled wedding dress. Her skin and make-up were radiant, I wonder if this latino beauty uses Elicina cream?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chilean Celebrities & Elicina

Chile is a beautiful country of contrasts with mountains, sea, desert, lakes, rivers, islands and the Antarctic. The Chilean economy is strong with free trade agreements to the US and other countries. Chile depends on the exportation of natural resources, copper mining being the largest, but with the climate Chile produces a great variety of fruit and award winning wines. Chile is home to many Chilean celebrities which include Bernardita Zuniga Huesbe, Cote de Pablo, Cristian de la Fuente, Leonor Varela, Nataly Chilet and Santiago Cabrera. The skin care regime for many Chilean people is the use of Elicina snail cream which was invented and patented in Santiago, Chile. It is widely distributed around Chile and is a favorite skin & face cream in South America. Now at we are proud that we are an authorized distributor of Elicina snail cream, Elicina PLUS with moisturizer, Elicina pocket & Elicina Aftershave Balm, so we can share the beautiful results with North America and worldwide what the Chilean people have discovered for years. Your skin deserves the original, try Elicina cream is 100% guaranteed through

Friday, February 20, 2009

Elicina is selling on

Elicina snail cream, Elicina Pocket, Elicina PLUS with moisturizer and Elicina Aftershave balm 100ml is available on at

NY Fall Fashion Week 2009 Key Take-a-Ways

This week wraps up NY Fall Fashion week and with the gloomy economic climate the fashion for this fall is bright colors, in candy hues and neon accented with black for a more conservative look that stands out from the crowd. The sweaters are oversize turtle necks and cowl necks. Belts are opulent and add excitement to any outfit, gold is the featured color. Shoulder pads are back (the 80’s revisited).
For beauty here are the key take-a-ways:
1. Bold full eye brows
2. Delicate hair accessories with slightly messy hair
3. Red lips. Sparkling white eyes, recommended is Innoxa French Blue Eye Drops, or Innoxa Gouttes Bleues Eye Drops. These are available at (imported from France)
4. Wavy hair
5. Natural look with minimal make-up, focus is on the beauty of the skin. Recommendation, Elicina Snail Cream or Elicina PLUS with moisturizer
6. Blue eye shadow
7. Lip gloss not only for the lips but on the eyelids
8. Black eye-liner in the waterline of the eyes

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Recession Proof your Beauty Routine

Watching your money does not mean that you have to completely give up on your beauty routine. How much money do you really spend a month on beauty products, hair appointments, manicures and pedicures, or facials? Adding up the amount you spend to keep up your looks may be shocking. Working outside of the home does require that you look presentable and professional. Here are a few tips to help you recession proof your beauty routine, and not skimp on your personal style.

Hair Styles

Investing in a great hair cut does not have to be expensive. Contact your current hair stylist; ask what days and times the salon offers discounts. For example your salon may offer discounts on their slow days during the weeks to Military, students, or loyal customers. If you get your hair done every month, schedule your next appointment every five to six week instead of monthly.

Visit online hair forums specific to your hair type for advice on deep conditioning treatments, roller setting, and flat iron techniques. If you have naturally curly or kinky hair having a good hair cut can help your curls or kinks lay properly in a wash and go or twist out. Visit hair forums for free homemade beauty treatments that are natural and inexpensive. Coming soon, free homemade beauty treatments recipes & techniques.

Manicures & Pedicures

Change the frequency of your manicure and pedicure appointments. Aim to only go to the salon once a month. Use the extra money you spend on manicures to invest in good quality manicure tools. Shop beauty supply stores and also drug stores.

Drug Store Sales

Create a small beauty budget. This money pays for your beauty product needs. Pay attention to drug store sales on cosmetics. Nail polish, make up and hair products can routinely be found at Rite Aide and Walgreen's for 50 to 75 percent off. View their websites for in store sales each week. Look for cosmetic coupons in the store sales circular and in Sunday coupons. Be sure to grab the sales paper when you first enter the store. You can combine store coupons with manufacturer coupons. Keep your receipt the product you purchased may qualify for additional savings through rebates.

Online Sales

For skin care, the most effective, natural and economical is Elicina snail cream or Elicina PLUS with moisturizer. Elicina cream sells for $24.99 per 40g jar this includes FREE shipping and handling, Elicina PLUS with moisturizer sells for $28.99 plus FREE shipping & handling at

Stretching out your hair appointments is a great way to save money. The two extra weeks in between hair appointments is a great time to try a roller set, sophisticated up-do, professional bun, or try a new flat iron technique. If you pay attention to the sales circulars you can purchase a large variety of beauty products very inexpensively. Having cosmetics & Elicina cream on hand before you run out can prevent paying full price or buying a substitute cream which is more expensive. Use these tips to help you look fabulous with your current income.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Elicina Cream – A Cure All for Skin Care

What is wonderful about Elicina snail cream that it is so versatile. All natural & organic with skin regenerating & skin rebuilding properties, but Elicina is also a natural antibiotic cream. Elicina with its antibiotic ingredients help heal damaged skin from sunburn, cuts, and abrasions. Elicina is safe for EVERYONE. This includes babies, infants, toddlers, children and adults. In Chile Elicina is safely applied to children after any type of surgery to aid and increase the recovery time of the damaged skin. Here are some remarkable before and after photos of a toddler having part of his face and neck grafted Also for minor cuts & abrasions Elicina is so safe to use on any part of the skin including face. Elicina cream comes in the convenient Elicina pocket size which is a tube 20g (.65oz) that you can conveniently carry. I use Elicina PLUS with moisturizer as my daily moisturizer and anti-aging regime but in my purse and in the medicine cabinet with the band-aids we have eliminated using Neosporin antibiotic cream and use only Elicina pocket which has a 3 year shelf life, although we go through our Elicina pocket quickly for all cuts and abrasions as I have a 8 & 6 year old! Here is a slide show of my 8 year old son after experiencing a bad fall at school. Elicina cream is wonderful and a little goes a long way, so it is economical too.
Elicina cream heals abrasions & scars
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Skin Care Tips

Skin is the outer most cover of the body something like a shield which saves inner muscles from coming in direct contact of different harmful bacteria, radiation from the sun and many other harmful agents. Imagine what would be without skin. Skin also provides gorgeous looks to humans. It is the skin which decides the looks of people irrespective of color. For good health and good looks, maintenance of skin is essential.

Skin is the outer most cover of the body something like a shield which saves inner muscles from coming in direct contact of different harmful bacteria, radiation from the sun and many other harmful agents. Imagine what would be without skin. Skin also provides gorgeous looks to humans. It is the skin which decides the looks of people irrespective of color. For good health and good looks, maintenance of skin is essential.

Three most valuable tips for skin care:
1. Drink enough water daily.
Water is the main constituent of the cells of our body. It flushes out waste material generated in metabolic activities through the pores and through urine. Open pores help to keep the skin healthy.
2. Eat as much as possible green vegetables and fruits as they are the prime sources of vitamins and minerals. Particularly, vitamin A and E present in these foods keep skin healthy. Supplementing vitamins with the help of vitamin pills can be a waist of time and energy, apparently the body treats this substances as waist, our body has been using nutrients from food for billions of years, and when you put the concentrated elements in it, simply doesn't know what to do and rejects them, using a lot of energy in doing so.
3. Exercise according to your physical capability, don't over do it, take your time to build strong muscles slowly. Exercise accelerates the blood flow and pushes it to the smaller capillary and feeds the skin tissue sweating out all the toxins.
Sunlight generally dries up the skin. Different types of moisturizing creams and lotions are available in the market which can compensate this loss. Choose the moisturizer which suits you better.

Our skin comes in direct contact of many microbes these microbes can cause some skin-diseases like acne and eczema. These diseases can produce permanent harm and also leave ugly patches over affected area. Therefore, proper care should be taken about not to come in direct contact with dirty places and dirty things, as these things are heaven for microbes. Growing age affects skin severely though it cannot be avoided completely but process can be delayed with the help of a balanced diet, exercise, enough use of water and proper application of skin care products. Living a happy life also helps in maintaining glow on your face. Proper sleep, keeping yourself away from smoking and alcohol can not only make your skin healthy but also make your whole body fit and strong.

Author: Madison Gatto who writes for

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Become A Green Fashionista: Ten Tips

Many women spend thousands of dollars on fashion and makeup each year. Some women, especially those between the ages of 20 and 30 buy new designer clothes and accessories each week and run into huge debts. Often these clothes are eventually thrown away and end up in landfill, contributing to the world's huge environmental problems. There are ways, however, to be fashionable, save money and be 'green' as well. Here are ten helpful tips:
1. Buy Organic Makeup
True organic makeup does not contain chemicals and is pesticide free. It is better for you, kinder to the environment and less allergenic. Often makeup contains chemicals, preservatives and pthalates that may be dangerous. The cosmetics industry's definition of organic is any compound containing carbon. This includes almost anything so it is very important to check whether the company that you intend to buy from makes truly organic products. Elicina snail cream is truly organic and natural, and it is a renewable resource as the snails are not harmed and use again & again for their secretion. The snail feed on all organic matter. Elicina snail cream is the ideal choice as a face & neck cream. Elicina cream, Elicina pocket, Elicina PLUS with moisturizer and Elicina Aftershave Balm available at
2. Buy Organic Materials
These are grown without chemicals or pesticides which harm the environment. They are also less allergenic. Organic cotton and hemp are becoming more and more popular, and are excellent choices. Natural materials also allow the skin to breathe so they're much more comfortable to wear.
3. Buy Vintage
Vintage clothes are often better quality than today's clothes and more fun to buy. These clothes are recycled so no manufacturing is required - this means that they are not adding to pollution and carbon emissions. Choose from lovely beaded 'flapper' styles for an evening out, fifties-style prom dresses which are in fashion at the moment or psychedelic seventies patterns.
4. Swap Clothes
Clothes-swapping is becoming more and more popular. There are sites on the Internet where you can choose from other people's clothes in exchange for your own 24 hours a day and plenty of clothes-swapping events and parties. This is an easy and very inexpensive way to find designer or quality clothes and perhaps make new friends as well!
5. Rent Accessories
Expensive accessories are available as rentals from companies such as Bag, Borrow or Steal for very reasonable prices. No one will know that they're rented unless you tell them!
6. Buy Clothes And Accessories Made From Recycled Materials
Many new designers are making clothes, jewellery and even shoes from recycled materials. These are often very unusual and innovative, as well as being more eco-friendly.
7. Buy Fair Trade
Fair trade companies empower people in developing countries, ensuring their rights and conditions. As so many companies have blackened their reputations by using sweat-shops, it is good to see that these companies are growing and more people are becoming aware of them. Many of these companies can be found online.
8. Alter Clothes
Old styles can often become fashionable again with a few simple alterations. I had the hemline of an old shift dress shortened because I didn't want to part with it and it looks like a new dress! This is a very easy and inexpensive way of reviving old clothes.
9. Make Your Own Clothes
If you can sew, this is a very creative way to choose your own styles, impress people and avoid pollution and guilt.
10. Take Care Of Your Clothes
Wash and iron your clothes, keep them free from insects and get them ready for the next season a few weeks ahead. This will make them last much longer.
These are all excellent ways of becoming a greener 'fashionista'.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Does Elicina Help Reduce Large Pores?

The answer is yes! Your large pores start diminishing as the glycolic acid a natural ingredient in Elicina begins to work on the skin surface by removing its damaged outer layers. This is beneficial for people with acne scarring, wrinkles and uneven skin. Glycolic peel or chemical peel has the same ingredients but is more concentrated, the government considers any product with a concentration of glycolic acid over 10% to be a hazardous material. Elicina cream, Elicina Plus & Elicina Aftershave all have less than 10% glycolic acid so it is safe to use all the time. Elicina will give you brighter, smoother looking skin.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Are Expensive Skin Creams Worth the Price?

The answer is NO! Many dermatologists agree generally that less expensive brands aren't any better than less costly creams


With the economic situation, save your money. Do not invest in a $400 jar of face cream, instead invest in Elicina cream or Elicina PLUS with moisturizer.

The benefits are:
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Non-greasy and quick absorption into the skin
  • All natural, eco-friendly
  • Price: $24.99 40g (1.3oz) jar

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How much Elicina should I apply & how often?

What is another wonderful attribute of Elicina you only need a minimal amount. Apply a minimal amount on a make-up spatula (this is a great tool as it keeps your jar of Elicina bacteria free and you can apply a small amount on the spatula. The spatula is FREE with every purchase of Elicina 40g or Elicina PLUS 40g at and apply to skin and gently rub in. For some people they might feel a tightness on their skin, this is normal and if your skin is dry or tight you might apply moisturizer after using Elicina or use Elicina PLUS with moisturizer.

Apply Elicina twice a day. If you are treating acne apply Elicina to the acne and the surrounding area too. If you are apply Elicina to your hands, Elicina must be applied everytime after washing your hands.

Great product, great price and eco-friendly. Got to love those snails!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Elicina Snail Cream: Where to buy Elicina?

Elicina Snail Cream: Where to buy Elicina?

Where to buy Elicina?

Elicina is sold worldwide and is distributed extensively across Chile where it is manufactured. The easiest method of getting Elicina is to buy online. Now ebay, Amazon and various websites including my own website sell Elicina. Some sell at a very low price, so I caution you to beware. First, are they an authorized distributor or reseller of Elicina brand products? I would look at the home page of the manufacturer and buy from an authorized distributor . Second, do they carry the complete line of Elicina products, Elicina cream, Elicina pocket, Elicina PLUS with moisturizer and Elicina aftershave balm? Third, beware of fake, imitation or knock-off brands. When buying off of ebay look at the seller and what other items they sell. If they are selling phone cards, flea collars and other stuff purchasing Elicina from them might not be the original and storing face cream next to flea collars is kind of frightening, also they might buy seconds, damaged goods or fake Elicina. Also look at the expiration date of the product or request it. A trick that is popular with unscrupulous online sellers is when you do click onto their sites that have a low price, they are NOT selling Elicina but wanting you to buy another brand of snail cream. My recommendation, buy the original snail cream from Chile. The best price is going to be around $25 per 40g jar Elicina Cream, $29 for Elicina Plus with moisturizer, $15 Elicina Pocket and $47 Elicina aftershave balm.