Monday, September 1, 2008

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis Pilaris is a very common genetic follicular disorder manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin. Primarily, it appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms, but can also occur on thighs and buttocks or any body part except palms or soles.

An excess of the protein known as Keratin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming numerous tiny rough bumps on the skin. Sometimes, these bumps can become irritated causing the follicles to redden excessively.

Does Elicina work on Keratosis Pilaris, I do not know. My son has had KP since he was a toddler, and I knew it was genetic as his aunt has it too. He has it on both arms so I am going to apply Elicina on one arm, twice a day and on the other I am going to do only 15 minutes of Acne Blue Light Therapy 410nm (LED bulb available at I will start today, September 1, 2008 and document the results with pics in the blog.

I took the pics (which is hard for a 7 year old to stand still) and unfortuately I do not have a quality digital camera for close-ups. The left arm is Elicina and the right arm is Blue Light Therapy 410nm. I do notice prior to this experiment that the sun over summer vacation really reduced the redness and the amount of KP that is why I opted for the Blue Light Therapy 410nm Treatment to test too.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Elicina Pocket

Elicina has been around for over ten years and is very successful worldwide. What I like about Elicina that they created two packages. One the 1.3oz jar and the .65oz pocket. I love the pocket because I take it when I travel and use it on the kids when they get scratches or cuts, I have it in my car and I also give it away as gifts. What is so wonderful about Elicina you only need a small amount, so it really is an incredible product at an incredible price of $24.99 plus FREE shipping (the lowest price available). Stock up now, Christmas is coming around the corner and it would be an excellent stocking stuffer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Elicina Snail Cream: Cesarean Scar Treatment

Elicina Snail Cream: Cesarean Scar Treatment

Cesarean Scar Treatment

When you get home from the hospital apply Elicina twice a day. Elicina works to flatten, and fade dark or discolored scars to a natural skin tone permanently. 100% guaranteed!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Top 10 Skin Care Products

When searching for Elicina on the internet I come across these websites; Top 10 Skin Care Creams, Consumer Reports on skin care etc. I look at their website and they neatly display a grid of the top skin care products. All of these products I haven't heard of and as I scroll down or click on the link it directs me to purchase these products. Who wrote this? The manufacturer/seller of the top skin care products. Do not believe everything that has been written, especially on the internet. Look for valid company, a professional website and do your research. It pleases me that they consider Elicina a competitor!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Crema de Carcaol & Snail Cream what is the difference?

No difference, snail cream is Crema de Caracol in Spanish.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is a Keloid can Elicina Diminish Keloids?

The answer is YES! A keloid scar, is a tough heaped-up scar that rises quite abruptly above the rest of the skin. It is irregularly shaped and tends to enlarge progressively. It grows beyond the wound. Unlike scars, keloids do not subside over time. Apply Elicina two times daily. New scars will heal more quickly than older, mature scars.

Friday, August 22, 2008

How does Elicina prevent stretch marks?

Elicina is composed of the following natural ingredients: Allantoin is what makes the regeneration of the skin. Proteins improves the richness and softness of your skin. Collagen & Elastin the main components of the skin’s connective tissue which improves skins firmness .Glycolic Acid the exfoliation or peeling, eliminating dead cells that are on the surface the skin. Apply Elicina to the first stage of the stretch mark (purple color). Elicina is working by peeling away the dead skin cells and penetrating the scar with Allantoin so new skin is generated. Collagen & Eastin will firm up the skin like it was prior to the pregnancy. At this stage Elicina will fade away the purple scar. The second stage is a pink colored stretch mark. Elicina will still work but will take more time. The third stage of the stretch mark the while color, Elicina will not work, no products or surgery can eliminate this scarring.

Preventing stretch marks is the ideal situation. Elicina has proven ideal in preventing stretch mark formation. Apply twice a day during the full pregnancy in areas where stretch marks can occur.

Best price online for Elicina ($24.99 plus FREE shipping) go to:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I dislike about purchasing products on the internet

I do most of my shopping on the internet. Having 2 young children and a small business owner my time is very valauable and I find the best deals and less time consuming shopping this way. I do not care to shop on ebay but look for small businesses that sell products on their own website. So often I am ready to purchase but when it comes to check-out I have to complete a long form which I really don't want to do because of my time and I really don't believe they need all the info. So I opt out, I do not buy the item. At it is so easy to check-out. No information to complete if you have a Paypal account. All you do is enter your Paypal userid and password, verify your shipping address and pay. Takes about 10 seconds. My customers love and so do I! Check it out and leave me feedback if you want:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What is Allantoin?

Allantoin is a naturally ingredient found in Elicina. It is a moisturizer, it removes dead skins cells, it increases the smoothness of the skin, it promotes cell regeneration & wound healing and serves as a skin protectant.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beware of Imposter Brands on EBAY

With a popular product like Elicina there are going to be imposter brands. I was on Ebay and saw Elicina for a very good price, it had a picture of Elicina so I clicked on the description, but they were not selling Elicina they were selling another brand of snail cream. When purchasing Elicina buy from an authorized dealer that will guarantee your product (I don't believe any of the sellers on ebay does) my recommendations are Amazon at or Elicina USA at

Friday, July 4, 2008

Elicina is really works!

Hello, I love Elicina and why because it is natural and it works. I was so intrigued with Elicina and its benefits I decided to import directly from the manufacturers in Chile to sell on I own the domain so soon I have the complete product line on this website. The pics are of my son, as you can see it works, but better examples of the benefits of elicina are on their website Read the testimonials, and look at the pictures of the before and after of a young child that was severely burned. Simply amazing, I have always believed the purest, most natural unprocessed items are the best. Until next time......Alex